AACC is pleased to offer this two-course continuing education program twice a year - once in the winter term and once in the fall. The first course (part 1) is a 97-hour theory course. The second combines clinical work with skills lab work. Both courses are approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing.
Students must register and pay for both courses at the same time. If you have already completed a licensed nurse refresher theory course at AACC or the College of Southern Maryland, but have not completed the licensed nurse refresher clinical portion, you can contact AACC to be put on a waiting list for the clinical. Be advised that this course seldom has openings. Sections are offered in fall and winter.
NRN-521 Licensed Nurse Refresher Part 1 – Theory (online)
NSN-387 Licensed Nurse Refresher Part 2 – Clinical
Toal Hours: 240
Upon successful completion of both courses, students earn their nursing certification as well as an AACC continuing education certificate. Once you successfully complete all the course requirements of the certificate program with a passing grade or higher, submit a Student Application for a Continuing Education Certificate.
The program costs $2,413, including tuition and fees, for Anne Arundel County residents.
Employment of registered nurses is expected to grow 13% through 2027. The median salary of registered nurses is $74,000 per year.
Source: Emsi 2018.4
Register online, by mail or in person.
Before registering, you must have:
Combine these documents into one email and send to mmickens@snsxedu.net before continuing with the registration online.
Notes: A background check for an additional fee of $38.50 is required for NSN-387 Licensed Nurse Refresher – Part 2 – Clinical. Plan to complete the paperwork required to initiate this process on first day of class. Payment will be due at that time.